Another salvo in the "War on Fat Kids"
I know I've been away a long time- there's a great explaination invovling time poverty, work stress, a chronic illness and a note from my Mum- so I hope you'll give me permission to continue on where I left off.
The Age is running an opinion piece from Melbourne academic Leslie Cannold about Australia's current approach to teen obesity (what I like to call as a teacher- the war on fat kids). She makes some good observations and concludes with my own primary solution to the situation- focus on healthy lifestyle and kids will be healthy, regardless of size.
It's one of the most considered pieces I've seen on the issue- concluding in the idea that a focus on 'health' as opposed to 'weight' is more positive for growing bodies.
Of course the media and government will ignore such sense and logic as it doesn't feed into our western guilt that fat= bad.
Labels: body image, fat, obesity, teenagers, waronfatkids
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