Weight allows discrimination
Not much to say on this one, it speaks for tiself- a variety of perspectives, based around infor from the council on size and weight discrimination.
News and views for and by members of the Queensland Size Acceptance Association community.
Not much to say on this one, it speaks for tiself- a variety of perspectives, based around infor from the council on size and weight discrimination.
Slate looks at the size acceptance movement, and the variety of philosophies behind it. A short article, but I don't feel it's that positive, just rambling and unfocused.
It has been reported in various sources that Tyra Banks is sticking on a fat suit to show the plight of degradation and discrimination felt by the obese. What about talking to real fat people, what about a hidden camera and someone who is overweight. Why is it only valid when someone who made a living from promoting unnatural body shapes that people will listen.