The WHO has encouraged it, Arnie started it and it seems the Australian government is jumping on the bandwagon. The latest target in the war on obesity- fat kids.
Teachers will not only have to report on a students academic and social outcomes, they will now have to report on their health and fitness levels according to today's
I have my doubts about this policy though, as it was reported by Dr Rick Kausman that the Federal governments would not follow through with their proposal to offer Medicare rebates for weight loss programs.
Has it really come to
Giving kids achievement awards for losing 80 pounds? I will admit, the student was heavy (almost my weight as an obese adult- if the figures are correct)- but is this what we should be promoting as the "Spirit of Youth"?
Our teachers (myself among them) will be giving out citizenship awards for weight loss and reporting students health and fitness levels. As a fat teacher, can I really do this. Am I morally in aposition to tell and child and their parents that the individual is unfit? Or to keep my job, will I be required to become a role model; lose weight and be seen to excercise regualarly.
Once there is an identified problem- who is going to take responsibility for it? Parents or teachers? Currently if a student is seen as academically unfit, the school has a moral and social obligation to help them. If the Federal government decides to use the Smart Start scheme run by Robert De Castella, which seems to be behind this proposed policy, schools will be responsible for the improving the outcome of physically unfit as well.
I won't deny that obesity in children is a health risk, but who's responsibility is it? My main concern is for the fit but overweight student who will be targeted next. I have seen some terrible things happen to overweight students in PE classes, both as a student and a teacher. If we have programmes where the 'fatties' are taken out to improve their fitness, are they going to be insulted and intimidated by some power mad drill sargent of a sport teacher who is "doing it for their own good". You betcha. Not only will these kids feel removed from their peers, picked on by their classmates, invalidaed by society, they'll also be the target of abuse to "change their lifestyle".
Of course, claims like this as an educator and an indivdual are incredibly unpopular in the current "war on obesity", but with young lives in our hands, we walk a fine line between positive health outcomes and positive human outcomes.